A MQTT broker (we use mosquitto, we'll install that later).Domoticz running on a Raspberry Pi (Windows or Mac are supported but this tutorial focusses on a Pi).Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications.Flows can be then deployed to the runtime in a single-click. Node-RED is a tool running in the Node.js platform providing a browser-based flow editor that makes it easy to wire together "flows".So using Node-RED is not mandatory, it does however provide a fun and attractive way to handle messages. Or maybe you like to create programs in Node.js itself. But maybe your application can create MQTT-messages on it's own that can be understood by Domoticz. The Node-RED tool provides an alternative way to creating little programs (flows) to interface with anything you want. Now something has to take care of creating and interpreting these messages. Domoticz can also respond to actions requested by anyone (and passed on by the MQTT-broker). Using it's native MQTT interface Domoticz can publish events from inside to the outside world. There are zillions of other devices out there, with a lot of interfaces. MQTT provides a publish/subscribe message pattern to provide one-to-many message distribution and decoupling of applications.ĭomoticz supports a number of hardware devices natively (rfxtrx433, zwave, smartmeter etc.). It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/"Internet of Things" connectivity protocol.

6.3 Debugging MQTT AutoDiscover devices.5.4 Sending a customEvent trigger to dzVents dzVents Add hardware "MQTT Auto Discovery Client Gateway".2.2 When Using Node-RED for writing your own interface.